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  • 16.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Kien Giang University strived for over 70% of graduates to be employed.

On the morning of January 18th, Kien Giang University organized a conference for civil servants, officials and employees for the 2019 - 2020 school year. Attending the conference there were the Party Committee, Board of Directors, and leaders of direct units belonging to the same staff, lecturers, and experts throughout the school.

The conference approved the results of emulation implementation in the 2018 - 2019 school year. Regarding enrollment and training: there were 1,016 candidates registered for admission; The school opened 2 more university major codes (Animal Husbandry, Environmental Engineering), 4 college major codes (Nursing, Food Technology, Construction Engineering Technology, Seafood Processing and Preservation); There were 485 students achieving excellent and excellent grades (scoring 13.72%), 1,298 students achieving good grades (scoring 36.72%). The school organized self-assessment of 2 training programs of the Food Technology industry and the Construction Engineering Technology industry. There were 42 grassroots-level science and technology projects implemented, and 2 ministerial-level science and technology projects, as well as 12 grassroots-level projects and 25 student research projects were accepted. The school also welcomed working delegations from the UK, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Indonesia to sign cooperation, scientific research, and exchange of students and lecturers.

 In the 2019 - 2020 school year, Kien Giang University proposed a resolution to unify the following targets: enrollment reached 1,500 students, among whom 1,250 were regular students; joined admission for Master's degree training in at least 8 majors; opened at least 2 more training majors; created jobs for students reaching over 70%; possessed at least 2 startup projects at school; Expanded cooperation with 2 advanced universities abroad; won the title of Civilized Unit and Excellent Labor Collective...

 Speaking at the conference, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Rector of Kien Giang University required the entire school to be dedicated to work, teaching and training students, try to achieve and exceed set targets, ensuring recruitment qualified human resources to work at the school. Besides, the school community needed to connect more human resources, share resources, expand international cooperation, scientific research...

Also on this occasion, Kien Giang University's Grassroots Trade Union also awarded certificates of merit to a union group and an individual with outstanding achievements in union work.


Translated by Minh Hiếu

The overview of the conference

Members of the Presidium chaired the conference.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Rector of the School gave a directive speech at the conference.

MA. Huynh Kim Thuy - Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Kien Giang University awarded certificates of merit

to collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in the Trade Union movement.

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